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Cost to Hire a Cherry Picker

Cost to Hire a Cherry Picker

There are several things that come into play when estimating the cost to hire a cherry picker. To make it simple, you can compare it to a car rental. The total cost will depend on the type of car you rent (compact, SUV, pickup truck), the length of time you rent it for, and additional costs such as insurance. Basically, the same factors are applied when trying to calculate the total cost to hire a cherry picker. There are different types of cherry pickers, and some cost more than others. The rental cost can be taken up daily or weekly, which depends on the length of your project. Some contractors may offer discounted prices if you hire the cherry picker for a long period of time.

Types of Cherry Pickers

Construction and removal projects can vary in size and complexity. Some might require just basic equipment, while others will be in need of something more sophisticated. When it comes time to hire a cherry picker, it’s important that you’re aware of the type of equipment you will need. For example, some cherry pickers can be considerably easy to use, while others require a highly-trained operator. The following are some of the most common types of cherry pickers:

• Self-Propelled Lifts – The majority of the large cherry pickers happen to be self-propelled. This means they can operate on their own power, which makes them quite efficient.

• Unpowered Lifts –In contrast to the self-propelled types, the unpowered lifts don’t have their own motor. They are usually pushed by the operator, and tend to be small.

• Mounted Lifts –This cherry picker is mounted on a vehicle, such as a truck. They are rather easy to move from one place to the other.

Delivery and Pickup Costs

When renting a car, you usually visit the rental agency and simply drive the car from there. Since not all cherry pickers can be easily transported, most customers prefer to have them delivered and picked up by the agency. Typically, this is an additional charge; whenever contacting the contractors in regard to the cost to hire a cherry picker, make sure you ask about the delivery cost. In rare cases, this cost will be complimentary to the rental cost. Nonetheless, it’s advisable that you are clear on the terms and conditions of each contractor you contact.

Insurance and Safety

In most states, rental agencies will charge an additional cost for the insurance. Even though insurance is mandatory, the client has the freedom to choose which insurance plan they would like.When it comes to cherry pickers, some contractors will charge an additional cost for the insurance in the price that they’re quoting you for. The truth is paying for insurance will let you work at ease. Typically, the insurance covers:

• Third-party liability
• Attached trailer cover
• Glass cover
• Indemnity to principal/owner

Keep in mind that by paying the insurance, you’re contributing to the safety of your operator. In addition, most contracts will mention the insurance in the terms and conditions section;be sure to read them carefully and ask questions before signing.

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